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  • Writer's pictureHelluva Khai

new site, who dis?


for those who know the kind of person i am, you know i enjoy being hands-on with just about everything i put out into this wretched world.

so first order of business, let's address merch and physical copies of my music. I am working on a seamless way to get my merch out to any one who wants it, so the best way i could think of that would centralize all your orders is on this site. i personally pack and ship them to you myself unless stated otherwise. so if you're interested, do stick around.

next on the agenda. touring. i am planning to tour the region in the 3rd quarter of 2019. probably have no use to the website yet but hopefully someday.

lastly, album release. i do not for the life of me know when it is supposed to come out yet. however, it will come before the year ends. the two singles are up on Spotify and another one will come soon.

thank you. take care. do what you like.

- Khai

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